Las Bodegas Gutiérrez de la Vega, situadas en Parcent, en la Marina Alta, sirvieron los vinos en la inauguración de la exposición sobre el libro El delicado festín. Rutas a Ferran Adrià, presentado esta semana en Madrid, por su autora, Hannah Collins, el propio Adrià y Elena Ochoa Foster, directora de la galería Ivorypress.
El número uno de la cocina mundial explicó que Collins había logrado tirar del hilo de cada ingrediente para llegar a la historia, territorio, personas y costumbres ancestrales que hay en la trastienda de un plato.

El libro de Hannah Collins y el cocinero Ferran Adrià.

La obra reúne doscientas cincuenta fotografías de la autora británica, que ha recorrido Japón, Ecuador, España, Francia e Italia, entre otros países, en busca de los orígenes de productos utilizados por Adrià como algas, anémonas, piñones, pétalos de rosa o cítricos. The fragile feast. Routes to Ferran Adrià, título de la obra en inglés, investiga también la labor de agricultores, cazadores, pescadores y recolectores, hasta llegar a la elaboración y presentación de treinta y cinco creaciones de Ferran Adrià. El chef catalán eligió igualmente un vino de Gutiérrez de la Vega, Casta Diva Cosecha Real, para acompañar el postre en la boda del Príncipe de Asturias, en 2004.
Adrià explicó que anteriormente varios artistas le habían propuesto trabajar conjuntamente, pero que declinó dichas ofertas porque creía que intoxicaban ambos mundos, el del arte y el de la gastronomía. Por contra, cuando su amiga Hannah Collins le propuso este proyecto aceptó, siempre que retratara la visión personal de la fotógrafa sobre el trabajo del cocinero español.
“Hannah es como Colón. Ha abierto un camino donde irán a parar muchos otros artistas que querrán dar su visión sobre la cocina creativa”, destacó.

   La fotógrafa explicó que es muy difícil reflejar la labor del chef en una imagen ya que se trata de un trabajo conceptual. Por ello decidió retratar el proceso de transformación de los productos culinarios desde su origen hasta el resultado final.
La cocina de Adrià es el proceso de transformación más sorprendente que hay”, indicó la fotógrafa, ganadora del Premio Europeo de Fotografía en 1991, así como el Premio Olympus de fotografía en 2004.


La editorial “Vivir el Vino” acaba de dar a conocer sus “11 magníficos” los premios que concede a los que, según su panel de cata, son los mejores vinos de España en su última edición. Y dentro de esta selección, el “Fondillón Casta Diva 1987” ha sido elegido como mejor vino dulce.


El “Fondillón Casta Diva” es la estrella indiscutible de esta bodega, fruto de la investigación histórica que su creador realizó sobre los vinos de la huerta de Alicante a los que ha unido una vinculación personal con sus hijos y el mundo de la música. El vino se realiza con monastrell sobremadura y se cría en unas pequeñas barricas de la bodega durante un mínimo de 10 años, como marca la tradición de este vino exclusivo de la D.O.P. Alicante. Su capa alta y su profundo color; su aroma a frutas maduras, compotas. Su gran estructura, su perfecta acidez y una justa proporción de azúcar lo hace un vino que roza la perfección, como así lo ha reconocido este grupo de cata.


Este premio se suma a los numerosos reconocimientos que ha recibido la gama de vinos de Felipe Gutiérrez de la Vega quien esta semana además ha participado en Madrid Fusión en una conferencia sobre la relación padres e hijos en el mundo de las bodegas. Además, en una reciente entrevista a la cantante Luz Casal, sacó a relucir el impacto que le supuso conocer estos vinos de la bodega de Parcent.


Nuestra idea de personificar el vino, a través de la Literatura y la Música, data de los años setenta y se convierte en realidad en los 80, recuérdese, el “Ulises” de Joyce, el “Rojo y Negro” de Sthendal, el “Tambourine” de Dylan o el”Viña Alejandría” de Kavafis.

La idea de personificar la opéra surge a finales de los cincuenta cuando Felipe Gutiérrez de la Vega  queda impactado al escuchar “Casta Diva” de Bellini, en la pelicula CASTA DIVA de Carmine Gallone (1956) basada en la vida del compositor.

Nunca olvidó el personaje femenino interpretado por Antonela Lualdi (Beirut,6 de julio de 1931) y aquel Casta Diva que le dejó flotando en tan vulnerables años.

Romantico sueño, que no se convirtió en realidad hasta el año 1987, tras 16 años de investigar en el mundo del Moscatel y muchos más de escuchar ópera.

Aún conserva copia de la carta en la que comunicaba a Monserrat Caballé su decisión de dedicarle un vino llamado “Casta Diva”. De dicha carta extraemos algunos párrafos:

“…esta carta, que pretendo sea la expresión sincera de un admirador que le dedica lo más dificil de su obra, un moscatel que denomino “Casta Diva”, como homenage a Vincenzo Bellini y a usted, que interpreta la Cavatina como nadie escuché desde la Callas a Joan Sutherland…”

“…si un moscatel es para un elaborador su prueba de fuego por la dificultad de conservar el delicado aroma de la uva, sin pasificar y procurar una clarificación biológica  que no produzca el famoso anubado, también lo es para una soprano, interpretar fielmente la famosa Casta Diva de Bellini…”

“…no sé si lo he conseguido, pero créame que en cada elaboración, renace la ilusión de lo inalcanzable…”

“…estas botellas de moscatel que le dedico y corresponden a la cosecha de 1987, y cuya etiqueta, como todas, he diseñado personalmente, espero que sean de su agrado y confío que para Navidad podamos brindar  diciendo lo mismo que nuestro personaje “Casta Diva”:

<< …vuelve a nosotros tu bello

semblante sin nube ni velo…

Templa, Oh Diva, templa

nuestros ardientes corazones…>>

International Wine Cellar Reviews

Here you are the new reviews from Josh Raynolds, International Wine Cellar, one of the most prestigous and reliable publication in USA. 90 points for two of our wines made with very local grapes of Alicante, Monastrell and Muscat.

Aquí tenéis las nuevas puntuaciones y comentarios de nuestros vinos realizadas por Josh Raynolds de International Wine Cellar, una de las más prestigiosas y serias publicaciones en EEUU sobre vino. 90 puntos para dos de nuestros vinos elaborados con uvas locales de Alicante, Monastrella y Moscatel de Alejandría.


 Príncipe de Salinas

Casta Diva Príncipe de Salinas Monastrell 2007 “Opaque ruby. An intriguingly perfumed bouquet suggests raspberry, blackcurrant, cherry compote, tobacco and dark mocha, with a sexy floral quality. Broad but focused dark fruit flavors are framed by velvety tannins, showing exotic notes of candied violet and rose. Gentle tannins build with air but this is all about fruit. The finish is sweet, sappy and quite long. This is very pretty. “

90 points  –  Josh Raynolds, International Wine Cellar, Sept/Oct 2010


Casta Diva Cosecha Dorada

Casta Diva Cosecha Dorada  Dry Muscat 2009 “Bright yellow. Exotic aromas of peach, apricot and dried pear, with intense floral and spice qualities. Deeply fruity but almost shockingly dry, offering zesty citrus-accented pit fruit flavors and a chalky quality on the back half. Pretty wild stuff, with a serious push/pull of fruit and acidity. Finishes with firm grip and lingering spiciness. The food-matching possibilities here are fascinating.

90 points – Josh Raynolds, International Wine Cellar, Sept/Oct 2010

   Marina Alta is located in Alicante, north of Benidorm rising from the coastal towns of Denia and Javea to nearly 3,000 feet above sea level.

   Southerly Mediterranean breezes leave their humidity on the southfacing slopes of the peninsular ranges, creating an insular, humid microclimate  which coaxes a higher level of acidity and flavor from the produce of the region:exquisitely intense oranges and highly aromatic Muscat of Alexandria ( here called Moscatel Romano despite the fact that it predates Roman settlement in the area).

Muscat of Alexandrie

  The Moscatel, grown in Marina Alta’s ancient terraces of Greco Romain origin, mirroirs the orange’s blossom in its bouquet.

 Felipe Gutiérrez de la Vega founded his winery in 1978, installing modern winemaking equipament inside a convertde mill in the remote mountain village of Parcent.

   In 2008, a fabulous new reception facility was opend including a small boutique featuring homemade olive oils, vinegars and preserves by Felipe’s wife.

   Among Spain’s most distinctive wines is CASTA DIVA COSECHA MIEL (“Honey Harvest”).

Late-Harvest Moscatel Romano is picked by individual bunch and delivered in small boxes to the bodega, where the free-run must is sent directly to new French and American oak barricas.after natural fermentation begins fortification with neutral grape spirit is done gradually, by individual barrel.

   Natural sugar is retained while the alcohol level remains under 14%. Bottling is in late Spring, resulting in an elegant, ginger-spiced, honey-rich and tropically-intense nectar which ranks among the world’s greatest examples of its type.

 Over the years, Felipe has also sourced ungrafted, old-vine Monastrell fron the arid Sierra de Salinas in Alicante’s inland mountain region.

   While dry reds are produced, Felipe’s passion is resurrection of Fondillón, a deeply colored naturally sweet dessert wine from vine-raisened grappes.

   Following whole-cluster fermentation, a portion of the wine is bottled after one year in barrel, called CASTA DIVA RECONDITA ARMONIA.

   Select vintages are held for nearly ten years and sublime release as CASTA DIVA FONDILLON.




Casta Diva Príncipe de Salinas (2006) – “Bright violet color. Ripe cherry and blackcurrant aromas are complemented by notes of pipe tobacco, dark chocolate and smoky minerals. Juicy, concentrated dark berry flavors are attractively sweet; the tannins melt into the fruit with air and make a brief appearance on the broad, spicy, persistent finish.”

90 points
Josh Raynolds, International Wine Cellar, Sep 17, 2009

   Casta Diva Príncipe de Salinas (2004) – “Inky ruby. Deep kirsch and mulberry aromas are complicated by sexy gingerbread, lavender and minerals; floral notes build with air, developing an impressively complex potpourri character. Chunky cherry and cassis flavors display excellent depth and sweetness, absorbing the supple tannins that build on the finish. By all means give this some aeration if you’re compelled to crack one any time soon.”

90 points
Josh Raynolds, International wine Cellar, Jul 1, 2007




Viña Ulises Crianza (2004) – “Medium red. Redcurrant and cherry aromas are underscored by smoked meat, licorice, leather and musky herbs. Impressively complex in the mouth, displaying vibrant red fruit flavors and deeper chocolate and roasted coffee qualities. Turns brighter on the finish, which shows good focus and snap. This is drinking nicely right now. Serve it with a smoky, grilled steak.”

89 points
Josh Raynolds, International Wine Cellar, Jul 1, 2007

Viña Ulises Crianza (2002) – “A fruit-driven, complex nose of plums, licorice, and cherry liqueur jumps from the glass of this dark plum/ruby-tinged 2002. Medium to full-bodied, with supple tannin, impressive richness, and a layered mouthfeel, this beauty can be drunk now and over the next 3-4 years. It is reminiscent of a high class French Côtes du Rhône.”

89 points
Robert Parker, The Wine Advocate, Jun 30, 2005

Viña Ulises Crianza (2002) – “Cabernet, merlot, and garnacha. Grapey nose, then frutiy (with notes of blackberries and black currants) and softly but markedly tannic.”

Patrick Matthews, Saveur, Jun 1, 2005

Spanish's label

Casta Diva Cosecha Miel (2008) – “Bright gold. Apricot, peach pit, honey and chamomile on the nose, with a subtle spicy note adding energy. Creamy pit fruit flavors are complicated by notes of toasted nuts, marzipan and brown butter, with good mineral snap on the back. Offers an intriguing blend of sweetness and energy, with excellent finishing thrust and lingering toffee and apricot nectar notes. This decadent but surprisingly lively wine would be superb with blue cheeses, foie gras or a game terrine with nuts.”

93 points
Josh Raynolds, International Wine Cellar, Sep 17, 2009

Casta Diva Cosecha Miel (2007) – “The fortified 2007 Casta Diva Moscatel offers a fragrant bouquet of peach, apricot, and tangerine. Smooth-textured, sweet, and spicy, it will match well with fruit-based desserts. Drink it over the next 2-3 years.”

90 points
Jay Miller, Wine Advocate, Jun 30, 2009

Casta Diva Cosecha Miel (2007) – “Vivid gold color. Exotically perfumed nose offers a seductive array of honeyed pit fruits, orange peel, white flowers and baking spices. Lush and creamy on the palate, with deep, sweet apricot, orange and floral honey flavors. Juicy and palate-coating, but there’s a lively quality that keeps the luscious fruit in check. Finishes with very good cling and lingering flavors of pit fruit nectar, cinnamon and clove.”

91 points
Josh Raynolds, International Wine Cellar, Oct 15, 2008

Casta Diva Cosecha Miel (2006) – “The 2006 Casta Diva ‘Cosecha Miel’ Moscatel undergoes barrel-fermentation in new oak which is gradually arrested for bottling in the following spring. The nose offers up floral notes and honey along with peach, apricot, ginger, and marmalade. Medium-sweet, intense, and long, this tasty elixir will pair well with fruit desserts.”

90 points
Jay Miller, Wine Advocate, Feb 29, 2008

Casta Diva Cosecha Miel (2005) – “Selected by individual bunches. The free-run juice goes directly to new French and American oak where, after fermentation begins, it is fortified with neutral spirits. Natural sugar is retained while the alcohol remains under 14%. Orange/gold-colored, it has a splendid nose of tangerine, orange, clove and honey. The wine is viscous and concentrated but without any sense of heaviness. Good acidity holds the wine together through a lengthy, lively finish.”

93 points
Jay Miller, Wine Advocate, Feb 1, 2007

Casta Diva Cosecha Miel (2005) – “Can’t eat another thing after the holidays? Me neither, yet I still want a little something sweet at the end of the day. A sweet sip of Casta Diva Cosecha Miel does the trick. This “Honey Harvest” lives up to its name in its golden hue and flavors so sweet they seem to buzz. Made from muscat grown in Alicante on Spain’s Costa Blanca, it’s packed with exotic, sunny flavors, from almond nougat to tropical fruit with orange blossom scents. The price may seem steep, but a bottle goes a long way.”

Tara Q. Thomas, The Denver Post, Jan 2, 2007

Casta Diva Cosecha Miel (2005) – “Copper-tinged gold. Expansive, intensely perfumed bouquet encompasses ripe apricot, peach, honey, cinnamon and a resinous herb quality. Deeply concentrated and powerful, the ripe orchard fruit flavors taking an exotic turn toward mango and passion fruit, with no loss of energy. Finishes focused and fresh, with building sweetness and emerging spice notes.”

93 points
Josh Raynolds, International Wine Cellar, Sep 1, 2006

Casta Diva Cosecha Miel (2003) – “Great dessert wine (muscaat of alexandria), exuberant with the savor of orange blossoms, elegant , balanced, simply luscious.”

Patrick Matthews, Saveur, Jun 1, 2005

Casta Diva Cosecha Miel (2003) – “Deep orange-gold. Highly perfumed aromas of orange liqueur, botanical herbs, juniper, clove, ginger and licorice. Offers a liqueur-like sweetness without any heaviness. Firm acids give energy to the complex flavors of mandarin orange, peach, apricot and exotic herbs. A dense, structured, fascinating sweet wine with a very long and vibrant finish. An outstanding vintage for this late-harvest muscat of Alexandria”

93 points
Stephen Tanzer, International Wine Cellar, Sep 1, 2006

Spanish's label


Casta Diva Recóndita Armonía (2007) – “Opaque purple. Deep, pungent aromas of dark berry and plum preserves. Fat and sweet, with straightforward blackberry and boysenberry flavors and a hint of smoke on the back end. Rich but uncomplicated, with very good finishing grip and lingering sweetness.”

89 points
Josh Raynolds, International Wine Cellar, Sep 17, 2009

Casta Diva Recóndita Armonía (2005) – “Inky purple. Warm plum compote, cherry and mulberry aromas are very primary, with a subtle peppery quality adding energy. Primary dark fruit flavors are appealingly juicy and fresh, with no rough edges and zero heat (which one usually gets from this sort of late-harvested, arrested fermentation wine). I like the lift and focus of this wine. Finishes clean, with very good juicy persistence and lingering sweetness.”

90 points
Josh Raynolds, International Wine Cellar, Oct 1, 2008

Casta Diva Recóndita Armonía (2005) – “The 2005 Casta Diva Recondita Armoniá is 90% Monastrell, 5% Syrah, and 5% Cabernet Sauvignon partially fermented prior to fortification maintaining a moderate level of residual sugar. Opaque purple and glass-coating, it has an intense perfume of blueberry jam…”

89 points
Jay Miller, Wine Advocate, Feb 29, 2008

Casta Diva Recóndita Armonía (2004) – “Inky purple. Earthy cassis and plum aromas are given an exotic twist by cured tobacco, mocha and musky underbrush. Picks up a dark molasses quality with air, which adds depth to the ripe dark berry flavors. Slow-building tannins add structure to this broad, beefy dessert wine. I’d serve it alongside pungent blue cheeses or aged cheddars. ”

90 points
Josh Raynolds, International Wine Cellar, Jul 1, 2007

Casta Diva Recóndita Armonía (2004) – “A blend of 90% Monastrell and 10% Cabernet Sauvignon, [this wine] is opaque purple-colored with a baked earthiness and blackberry liqueur aromas and flavors. What it is lacking in subtlety, it makes up for in its sweet intensity and concentration.”

90 points
Jay Miller, Wine Advocate, Feb 1, 2007


Casta Diva La Diva (2004) – “Bronze-orange. Spicy tangerine and apricot on the nose, with a complex floral accent. Lush and sweet but firm too, with vibrant orange and pit fruit flavors, gentle acidity and a long, sappy finish. There’s excellent lift for the weight here. Drink this sooner rather than later for its expansive, pure fruit.”

91 points
Josh Raynolds, International Wine Cellar, Jul 1, 2007



Casta Diva Fondillón (1996) – “Made from 100% Monastrell, [this wine] is a saturated purple, offering aromas of plums, prunes, and raisins. On the palate this intensely sweet wine remains slightly tight and tannic. It is reminiscent of an Italian Recioto. All of these wines should be consumed within 2-3 years of purchase.”

92 points
Jay Miller, Wine Advocate, Feb 1, 2007



Casta Diva Fondillón (1997) – “Dense violet. Dark berries and candied plum on the nose, with notes of cured tobacco and espresso. Lush and moderately sweet, with fresh, chocolatey blackberry and boysenberry flavors framed by gentle acids and supple tannins. Finishes broad, quite sweet and very long, with an exotic Asian spice quality.”

91 points
Josh Raynolds, International Wine Cellar, Sep 1, 2006

Casta Diva Fondillón (1996) – “A natural sweet wine from Monastrell) Ruby-red. Aromas of plum jam and smoky game. Very sweet but not at all thick, as the plum, black cherry, dark berry and spice flavors are framed and lifted by surprising acidity. Not particularly complex but aromatic, brisk and very easy to drink. Finishes with a fine dusting of tannins. “

90 points
Stephen Tanzer, International Wine Cellar, Sep 1, 2005

Casta Diva Fondillón (1996) – “This thick, moderately sweet red shows candied cherry, prune and chocolate flavors, with firm tannins and lively acidity. A bit rough around the edges, but has personality.”

88 points
Thomas Matthews, Wine Spectator Online, Jan 1, 2005

Casta Diva Fondillón (1995) – “A sweet wine from monastrell. Full ruby-red. High-toned aromas of black raspberry and smoke. Supersweet, dense and thick, but kept fresh by nicely integrated acidity. The powerful cherry and dark berry flavors offer terrific concentration. Not at all porty or rustic. Finishes fresh and quite long. “

93 points
stephen Tanzer, International Wine Cellar, Sep 1, 2004

Casta Diva Fondillón (1999) – “100% monastrell raised for eight years in barrique Dark violet color. Pungent aromas of boysenberry, cherry compote, pipe tobacco and dried fig, with notes of dried flowers and smoky minerals adding complexity. Coats the palate with sweet dark berry flavors, picking up a bitter cherry skin note with air. Extremely concentrated and liqueur-like in its sweetness but there’s a graceful, focused quality that’s compelling. Finishes with lush dark berry notes and serious cling.”

92 points
Josh Raynolds, International Wine Cellar, Sep 17, 2009

En el ultimo encuentro Verema que se celebró en Valencia el 19 y 20 de febrero se hizo una cata de Fondillones de Alicante. Gutierrez de la Vega, Salvador Poveda y Bocopa estuvieron presentes para presentar sus creaciones.

Estaremos este año tambien en este Salon de Madrid.El lunes 12 a las 16:30 horas daremos una cata en el Pabellon 8 en la sala de catas.La cata se hara conjunta a una bodega de Burdeos, Chateau Massereau.

Si quieren visitarnos nuestro stand estara en el Pabellon 6 en el 6E16

mas informacion


José Manuel Campos invitó a Bodegas Gutierrez de la Vega a su magnifico programa VINOPOLI que emite la Politecnica de Valencia para entrevistar a Felipe Gutierrez de la Vega.Despues se hizo una cata acompañada de una buena comida con los integrantes de su club de enofilos VINOPOLI. Los videos se dividen en 7 episodios que se pueden visualizar en youtube.

Damos las gracias a este gran señor que es José Manuel, ya que todo lo que hace es por amor al vino.

Este  sabado 19 de febrero estaremos en el 9º Encuentro Verema que se celebrara en el Hotel hilton en Valencia.Daremos una cata de Fondillones, concretamente Fondillon del 99,87 y 78.También estaremos presentes en la miniferia presentando nuestros productos.

Mas info